We provide different standalone binary packages for OTB-Applications:
- for Windows platform (Seven or higher)
- for 64 bits Linux distribution
- for MacOS X
Other binaries can be available as packages (OSGeo packages, Debian/Ubuntu packages, OpenSuse packages), however be advised that they may not be up-to-date nor delivered with full features. If you want to build from source or if we don’t provide packages for your system, information is available in the Compiling OTB from source section.
You can get latest binary packages from our Download page.
Windows binary packages are available for Windows 7 or higher. They can be downloaded from otb download page .
Pick the correct version (32 bit or 64 bit) depending on your system.
Extract the archive and use one of the launchers, they contain all applications and their launchers (both command line and graphical launchers are provided):
: A launcher script for Monteverdimapla.bat
: A launcher script for Maplaotbenv.bat
: A script to initialize the environment for OTB executablesbin
: A folder containing application launchers (otbcli.bat, otbgui.bat) and the DLLs.lib
: A folder containing application DLLs.include
: A folder containing all the necessary headers to compile OTB based projects.tool
: A folder containing useful scripts to test the installation or to uninstall OTB libraries and headers while keeping all the dependencies.
The applications can be launched from the Mapla launcher. If you want to
use the otbcli and otbgui launchers, you can initialize a command prompt
with otbenv.bat
The package can be used to compile other projects using OTB (binaries, libraries
and headers are included). If you want to build OTB from source using this
package, you should first uninstall the specific OTB files from the package to
leave only the dependencies (what we call an XDK). You can do it using the
supplied script tools/uninstall_otb.bat
In the package you also have a template project for Visual 2015
. This template can be placed in your user Visual 2015 template
directory : %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Templates\ProjectTemplates
The script start_devenv.bat
allows to copy the template in that folder and
start Visual Studio.
Python bindings¶
Since OTB 6.7.0 OTB bindings for Python 3.5 are distributed as a binary package. Please note that using a different Python version may not be compatible with OTB wrappings. If the installation completes without issue, information relating to your Python bindings will be provided.
You must have Python numpy bindings installed in your system. They can be installed locally without admin rights as follows: “pip install –user numpy”. This is to give users the option to select their own existing Python installation rather than the one dibstributed by the OTB package.
By default, bindings for Python 3.5 will be enabled with the otbenv
We provide a binary package for GNU/Linux x86_64. This package includes all of the OTB applications along with command line and graphical launchers. It can be downloaded from OTB’s download page.
This package is a self-extractable archive. You may uncompress it with a double-click on the file, or from the command line as follows:
chmod +x ./
The self-extractable archive only needs common tools found on most Linux distributions (“sed”, “grep”, “find”, “cat”, “printf”, “ln”, …). However, be aware that it requires tools such as “which” and “file” (they are not always present, for instance when building a container).
Please note that the resulting installation is not meant to be moved, you should uncompress the archive in its final location. Once the archive is extracted, the directory structure consists of:
: A launcher script for
: A launcher script for Maplaotbenv.profile
: A script to initialize the environment for OTB executablesbin
: A folder containing application launchers (,, Monteverdi and Mapla.lib
: A folder containing all shared libraries and OTB applications.include
: A folder containing all the necessary headers to compile OTB based projects.share
: A folder containing common resources and copyright mentions.tool
: A folder containing useful scripts to test the installation or to uninstall OTB libraries and headers while keeping all the dependencies.
The applications can be launched from the Mapla launcher. If you want to
use the otbcli and otbgui launchers, you can initialize your environment
with source otbenv.profile
The package can be used to compile other projects using OTB (binaries, libraries
and headers are included). If you want to build OTB from source using this
package, you should first uninstall the specific OTB files from the package to
leave only the dependencies (what we call an XDK). You can do it using the
supplied script tools/
System dependencies¶
In order to run the command line launchers, this package doesn’t require any special library that is not present in most modern Linux distributions. The graphical executable (otbgui launchers, Monteverdi and Mapla) use the X11 libraries, which are widely used in a lot of distributions:
libx11-6 libxext6 libxau6 libxxf86vm1 libxdmcp6 libdrm2
Monteverdi also requires the standard graphics libraries libgl1 and libglu1. Make sure you have at least one version of them installed in your system.
Caveat on OTB 6.0¶
In OTB 6.0 binaries, there is a small caveat for “expat” as the supplied binaries depend on “”, which is not contained in the package. It can be supplied by most package managers (apt, yum, …). If not already present, it is necessary to install one of the following packages:
libexpat-dev libexpat1-dev
Python bindings¶
Since OTB 6.7.0 OTB bindings for Python 3.5 are distributed as a binary package. Please note that using a different Python version may not be compatible with OTB wrappings. If the installation completes without issue, information relating to your Python bindings will be provided.
You must have Python NumPy bindings installed in your system. They can be installed locally without admin rights as follows: “pip install –user numpy”. This is to give users the option to select their own existing Python installation rather than the one dibstributed by the OTB package.
By default, bindings for Python 3.5 will be enabled with the otbenv
- You must use monteverdi and mapla through
helper scripts in extracted directory. - The helper scripts for monteverdi and mapla set required environment variables
- You might be tempted to move “OTB-6.7.0-Linux64” into another location say /usr/local/ after extraction. But avoid this action!
- To have “OTB-6.7.0-Linux64” installed in /usr/local or /opt execute “” in that directory.
- Multiple installation of OTB can exists in same system without one conflicting the other!
Q: Unable to import otbApplication library with Python3¶
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
A: You need to add a symlink to to make it works.
Here is the solution:
- Find the libpython3.5XX on your system :
find /usr/lib -iname *libpython3.5*
(on Ubuntu 14.04, it is/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
) - Create a symlink :
ln -s path/to/lib/python3.5XX path/to/lib/
- Try to import otbApplication again
See this discussion on OTB issue tracker
MacOS X¶
We provide for MacOS X through a standalone package. This package is a self-extractible archive, quite similar to the Linux one. You may uncompress it with the command line:
chmod +x ./
Once the archive is extracted, you can see OTB-6.7.0-Darwin64 directory in the same direcrtory along with
Contents of OTB-6.7.0-Darwin64 is briefly listed below:
: A Mac OSX .app for
: A Mac OSX .app for Mapla.bin
: A folder containing application launchers (,, monteverdi and mapla binaries.lib
: A folder containing all shared libraries and OTB applications.include
: A folder containing all the necessary headers to compile OTB based projects.share
: A folder containing common resources and copyright mentions.tool
: A folder containing useful scripts to test the installation or to uninstall OTB libraries and headers while keeping all the dependencies.
The applications can be launched from the Mapla launcher. If you want to
use the otbcli and otbgui launchers, you can initialize your environment
with source otbenv.profile
The package can be used to compile other projects using OTB (binaries, libraries
and headers are included). If you want to build OTB from source using this
package, you should first uninstall the specific OTB files from the package to
leave only the dependencies (what we call an XDK). You can do it using the
supplied script tools/
Python bindings¶
Since OTB 6.7.0 OTB bindings for Python 3.5 are distributed as a binary package. Please note that using a different Python version may not be compatible with OTB wrappings. If the installation completes without issue, information relating to your Python bindings will be provided.
You must have Python numpy bindings installed in your system. They can be installed locally without admin rights as follows: “pip install –user numpy”. This is to give users the option to select their own existing Python installation rather than the one dibstributed by the OTB package.
By default, bindings for Python 3.5 will be enabled with the otbenv
- If you want to use the otbcli and otbgui launchers, you must access them via a terminal prompt.
- The OSX .app are provided for monteverdi (viewer) and mapla (application browser).
- You must use monteverdi and mapla through their .app files only.
- You are allowed to move these .app files and refrain from moving or deleting OTB-6.7.0-Darwin64 after extraction. In case you need to have OTB installed in some other directory. Extract the .run file there.
Q: I am getting an error message…¶
xcrun: error: invalid active developer path
(/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at:
A: You can get this error at startup running or The solution is to run in a terminal the following command:
xcode-select --install
And then try to restart Monteverdi or Mapla.
Other packages¶
Warning! These packages may not be up-to-date with latest OTB releases. In addition, some features of the library may not be available on every platform. Some of these are not maintained by the OTB-team. If you want to get involved in the packaging of OTB for your favourite platform, please contact us through the developer’s mailing list:
There are OTB packages for Debian (unstable) since version 5.2.0. OTB Applications packages may be available as Debian packages through APT repositories:
- otb-bin for command line applications
- otb-bin-qt for Qt applications
- python-otb for python applications
Due to license issues, the OTB package built in Debian doesn’t contain 6S. As a consequence, the package does not contain the OpticalCalibration application.
Ubuntu 12.04 and higher¶
For Ubuntu 12.04 and higher, OTB Applications packages may be available as Debian packages through APT repositories:
- otb-bin for command line applications
- otb-bin-qt for Qt applications
- python-otb for python applications
Since release 3.14.1, OTB Applications packages are available in the ubuntugis-unstable repository.
Since release 5.2.0, the Ubuntu packages derive from the Debian packages.
You can add it by using these command-lines:
sudo aptitude install add-apt-repository
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable
You will then need to run:
sudo aptitude install otb-bin otb-bin-qt python-otb
If you are using Synaptic, you can add the repositories, update and install the packages through the graphical user interface.
For further information about Ubuntu packages go to ubuntugis-unstable launchpad page and click on Read about installing.
apt-add-repository will try to retrieve the GPG keys of the repositories to certify the origin of the packages. If you are behind a http proxy, this step won’t work and apt-add-repository will stall and eventually quit. You can temporarily ignore this error and proceed with the update step. Following this, aptitude update will issue a warning about a signature problem. This warning won’t prevent you from installing the packages.
OpenSuse 12.X and higher¶
For OpenSuse 12.X and higher, OTB Applications packages are available through zypper.
First, you need to add the appropriate repositories with the following
commands (please replace with your version of OpenSuse):
sudo zypper ar Games
sudo zypper ar GEO
sudo zypper ar tzotsos
You should then run:
sudo zypper refresh
sudo zypper install OrfeoToolbox
sudo zypper install OrfeoToolbox-python
Alternatively you can use the One-Click Installer from the openSUSE Download page or add the above repositories and install through Yast Package Management.
There is also support for the recently introduced ’rolling’ openSUSE distribution named ’Tumbleweed’. For Tumbleweed you need to add the following repositories with these command-lines:
sudo zypper ar Games
sudo zypper ar GEO
sudo zypper ar tzotsos
and then add the OTB packages as shown above.