
Estimate feature fuzzy model parameters using 2 vector data (ground truth samples and wrong samples).


Estimate feature fuzzy model parameters using 2 vector data (ground truth samples and wrong samples).


Input Positive Vector Data -psin vectorfile Mandatory
Ground truth vector data for positive samples

Input Negative Vector Data -nsin vectorfile Mandatory
Ground truth vector data for negative samples

Belief Support -belsup string1 string2... Mandatory
Dempster Shafer study hypothesis to compute belief

Plausibility Support -plasup string1 string2... Mandatory
Dempster Shafer study hypothesis to compute plausibility

Output filename -out filename [dtype] Mandatory
Output model file name (xml file) contains the optimal model to perform information fusion.

Criterion -cri string Default value: ((Belief + Plausibility)/2.)
Dempster Shafer criterion (by default (belief+plausibility)/2)

Weighting -wgt float Default value: 0.5
Coefficient between 0 and 1 to promote undetection or false detections (default 0.5)

initialization model -initmod filename [dtype]
Initialization model (xml file) to be used. If the xml initialization model is set, the descriptor list is not used (specified using the option -desclist)

Descriptor list -desclist string1 string2...
List of the descriptors to be used in the model (must be specified to perform an automatic initialization)

Maximum number of iterations -maxnbit int Default value: 200
Maximum number of optimizer iteration (default 200)

Optimizer Observer -optobs bool Default value: false
Activate the optimizer observer

Load parameters from XML -inxml filename.xml
Load application parameters from an XML file.

Save parameters to XML -outxml filename.xml
Save application parameters to an XML file.


From the command-line:

otbcli_DSFuzzyModelEstimation -psin cdbTvComputePolylineFeatureFromImage_LI_NOBUIL_gt.shp -nsin cdbTvComputePolylineFeatureFromImage_LI_NOBUIL_wr.shp -belsup "ROADSA" -plasup "NONDVI" "ROADSA" "NOBUIL" -initmod Dempster-Shafer/DSFuzzyModel_Init.xml -maxnbit 4 -optobs true -out DSFuzzyModelEstimation.xml

From Python:

import otbApplication

app = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("DSFuzzyModelEstimation")

app.SetParameterString("psin", "cdbTvComputePolylineFeatureFromImage_LI_NOBUIL_gt.shp")
app.SetParameterString("nsin", "cdbTvComputePolylineFeatureFromImage_LI_NOBUIL_wr.shp")
app.SetParameterStringList("belsup", ['"ROADSA"'])
app.SetParameterStringList("plasup", ['"NONDVI"', '"ROADSA"', '"NOBUIL"'])
app.SetParameterString("initmod", "Dempster-Shafer/DSFuzzyModel_Init.xml")
app.SetParameterInt("maxnbit", 4)
app.SetParameterString("out", "DSFuzzyModelEstimation.xml")


