Example source code (EstimateRPCSensorModelExample.cxx):
// \index{otb::GCPsToRPCSensorModelImageFilter}
// \index{otb::GCPsToRPCSensorModelImageFilter!header}
// The following example illustrates the application of estimation
// of a sensor model to an image (limited to a RPC sensor model for now).
// The \doxygen{otb}{GCPsToRPCSensorModelImageFilter} estimates a RPC
// sensor model from a list of user defined GCPs. Internally, it uses
// an ossimRpcSolver, which performs the estimation using the well
// known least-square method.
// Let's look at the minimal code required to use this
// algorithm. First, the following header defining the
// \doxygen{otb}{GCPsToRPCSensorModelImageFilter} class must be
// included.
#include <ios>
#include "otbImage.h"
#include "otbImageFileReader.h"
#include "otbGCPsToRPCSensorModelImageFilter.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc < 3)
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " infname outfname a1x a1y b1x b1y b1z ... aNx aNy bNx bNy bNz" << std::endl;
else if ((argc - 3) % 5 != 0)
std::cerr << "Inconsistent GCPs description!" << std::endl;
const char* infname = argv[1];
const char* outfname = argv[2];
// We declare the image type based on a particular pixel type and
// dimension. In this case the \code{float} type is used for the pixels.
typedef otb::Image<float, 2> ImageType;
typedef otb::ImageFileReader<ImageType> ReaderType;
typedef otb::GCPsToRPCSensorModelImageFilter<ImageType> GCPsToSensorModelFilterType;
typedef GCPsToSensorModelFilterType::Point2DType Point2DType;
typedef GCPsToSensorModelFilterType::Point3DType Point3DType;
// We instantiate reader and writer types
ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
// The \doxygen{otb}{GCPsToRPCSensorModelImageFilter} is instantiated.
GCPsToSensorModelFilterType::Pointer rpcEstimator = GCPsToSensorModelFilterType::New();
// We retrieve the command line parameters and put them in the
// correct variables. Firstly, We determine the number of GCPs
// set from the command line parameters and they are stored in:
// \begin{itemize}
// \item \doxygen{otb}{Point3DType} : Store the sensor point (3D ground point)
// \item \doxygen{otb}{Point2DType} : Pixel associated in the image (2D physical coordinates)
// Here we do not use DEM or MeanElevation. It is also possible to give a 2D
// ground point and use the DEM or MeanElevation to get
// the corresponding elevation.
// \end{itemize}
unsigned int nbGCPs = (argc - 3) / 5;
std::cout << "Receiving " << nbGCPs << " from command line." << std::endl;
for (unsigned int gcpId = 0; gcpId < nbGCPs; ++gcpId)
Point2DType sensorPoint;
sensorPoint[0] = atof(argv[3 + gcpId * 5]);
sensorPoint[1] = atof(argv[4 + gcpId * 5]);
Point3DType geoPoint;
geoPoint[0] = atof(argv[5 + 5 * gcpId]);
geoPoint[1] = atof(argv[6 + 5 * gcpId]);
geoPoint[2] = atof(argv[7 + 5 * gcpId]);
std::cout << "Adding GCP sensor: " << sensorPoint << " <-> geo: " << geoPoint << std::endl;
rpcEstimator->AddGCP(sensorPoint, geoPoint);
// Note that the \doxygen{otb}{GCPsToRPCSensorModelImageFilter} needs
// at least 20 GCPs to estimate a proper RPC sensor model,
// although no warning will be reported to the user if
// the number of GCPs is lower than 20.
// Actual estimation of the sensor model takes place in the
// \code{GenerateOutputInformation()} method.
// The result of the RPC model estimation and the residual ground
// error is then save in a txt file. Note that This filter does
// not modify the image buffer, but only the metadata.
std::ofstream ofs;;
// Set floatfield to format properly
ofs.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
ofs << (ImageType::Pointer)rpcEstimator->GetOutput() << std::endl;
ofs << "Residual ground error: " << rpcEstimator->GetRMSGroundError() << std::endl;
// The output image can be now given to the \doxygen{otb}{orthorectificationFilter}.
// Note that this filter allows also to import GCPs from the image
// metadata, if any.